Professional Learning to suit your needs and delivered in a way that works for you and your team.

Professional Learning sessions in person or online

Professional Development Opportunities

Image of author at her local lake

Learn tools to empower your children towards self confidence, self belief, creativity, resilience, the ability to build positive relationships and better academic performance.

Full DaY Session — $500

As a whole staff spend the day with Natalie delving into the world of Positive Education. Learn the science behind well-being and discover a multitude of ways you can incorporate well-being lessons into your classroom in ways that will truly impact your rangitahi.

Image of author

Online PLD sessions — $300 pp or $250 3+ teachers from one school

Join Natalie over a six week period learning about Positive Education and the science behind well-being. Discover how to bring topics such as Character Strengths and Mindfulness into your class in fun and easy ways to support your rangitahi to flourish.

Full day or weekly sessions? You choose……

The fundamental goal of positive education is to promote flourishing or positive mental health within the school community.

Norrish, Williams, O’Connor, & Robinson, 2013

Positive Education is the combination of the scientific evidence of Positive Psychology, best practice teaching methods and learning about happiness and wellbeing in schools.

It aims to provide intentional activities and practices for students to thrive in their environment, and to be able to cope with life’s tough times as they arise. It is a prevention rather than cure type model with the goal of supporting children to flourish, now and into the future. 

When working with Natalie you will learn the science behind Positive Psychology and produce explicit lessons and activities enabling the children in your school to access these powerful tools.

  • The science behind Positive Psychology and Positive Education

    What is Positive Psychology and Positive Education and how can they help me in my school?

    Exploring what works by looking at case studies from around the world.

  • Character Strengths

    Character Strengths are the building blocks of Pos Ed and help build self confidence, motivation and an understanding of self.

    We will uncover how to identify our strengths, how we use these on a daily basis and learn about developing new strengths.

  • Inner Dialogue, Optimism, Mindfulness and Meditation

    Learn more about these powerful tools and how they improve self esteem, motivation, creativity, focus, self regulation and overall well-being. 

    Explore explicit ways to apply these tools in the classroom setting.

  • Gratitude and Kindness

    Explicitly practicing Kindness and Gratitude are proven to benefit both the giver and the receiver.

    Explore fun, practical ways we can bring kindness and gratitude into our classroom and the students lives.

  • Visualising, Goal Setting our Environment

    Take a look at the impact we can have on the wider world, how the choices we make affect our futures and the direction our lives take.

    Use these tools to create motivation, self confidence and excitement for the future.

  • Bringing it all together and moving forward within your Kura

    Led by you we conclude this learning by exploring where to go next. 

    Is your current model of well-being right for your school? How has this learning changed your classroom practice? What considerations do we need to take looking into the future?

Together we can make a difference for the children in our care.

Click on the link below to start your journey today.