Fostering Belonging: A Blueprint for a Successful School Year

Kia ora koutou,

Today, we delve into the powerful concept of creating a sense of Belonging in our classrooms.

Here is the link if you’d like to watch the video I made recently.

The Importance of Belonging in Education

Educators, you are the architects of change, standing against rising rates of depression and anxiety. My goal is to equip you with scientifically proven well-being techniques for your classrooms. Today, we focus on belonging and inclusion as a crucial element in building a brighter, kinder future.

Exploring the Power of Belonging

Today, as we continue to look at how we can start the new year with a focus on flourishing, let's dive deep into a topic that lays the foundation for success in our classrooms—the power of belonging. I'm excited to explore the importance of developing a sense of belonging, how it impacts our students, and practical strategies to create an inclusive and supportive environment.

At the heart of a thriving classroom is a strong sense of belonging. Research has consistently shown that a healthy sense of belonging contributes to positive social relationships, academic achievement, occupational success, and overall well-being. This comes from research by (Allen et al., 2018; Goodenow & Grady, 1993; Hagerty et al., 1992). As we commence this school year, understanding and fostering belonging becomes our key to unlocking a successful and enriching academic journey.

Belonging and Mental Health

One of my personal authors and researchers is Brene Brown, and recently I was listening to her on a podcast where she said, “Without love and belonging, there is only suffering” which really hit home to me. This sentiment is echoed by Dr. Maithreyi Gopalan's recent research, which sheds light on the concept of 'belonging uncertainty,' a term introduced by social psychologists Geoffrey Cohen and Gregory Walton at Stanford University. This uncertainty often surfaces during transitional periods, such as entering a new school or academic environment. Dr. Gopalan's work emphasizes how this belonging uncertainty can influence students' interpretation of daily adversities, potentially leading to disengagement and poor academic outcomes. Our role as educators is crucial in alleviating this uncertainty and creating a secure environment for our students.

Practical Strategies for Fostering Belonging

For children and young people, developing a sense of belonging is more than a classroom necessity—it's a fundamental building block for self-confidence and identity. They deserve safe spaces and ample time to explore and establish their identities without the constraints of narrow norms. Acceptance for who they are, without fitting into limiting norms, is paramount. A strong sense of belonging empowers them to relate to others, the world around them, and fosters respect and manaakitanga.

Classroom Activities to Foster Belonging

  1. Circle Time: Start your day or week with a circle time activity where students can gather together to share experiences, feelings, or stories. This promotes a sense of community and encourages students to feel valued and heard by their peers and teachers.

  2. Y Chart - Positive Classroom Environment: Utilise the Y Chart activity discussed in our previous video on creating a positive classroom environment. This activity encourages students to brainstorm ideas about what contributes to a positive learning space. By involving students in this process, they feel a sense of ownership over their classroom environment, which fosters belonging.

  3. Class Treaty: Collaboratively create a class treaty by brainstorming various aspects of school life such as classroom jobs, leadership roles, digital technology usage, and classroom rules. Allow students to contribute their ideas and opinions, and then collectively agree on the terms of the treaty. Display the treaty prominently in the classroom as a reminder of the shared values and expectations that contribute to a sense of belonging.

  4. Being Open to Feedback: Create an open and supportive environment by being receptive to feedback from your students. Encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings about your teaching style and how it aligns with their learning preferences. By demonstrating openness to feedback, you show students that their voices matter and that their input is valued, which strengthens their sense of belonging in the classroom.


As we wrap up our exploration of the power of belonging, let's commit to making this school year a journey of inclusivity, support, and growth. Together, we have the power to create classrooms where every student feels they belong, where their ideas matter, and where their academic journey is not just about learning but about thriving.

Thank you for being champions of well-being for the children in your care. Flourishing through Positive Education is an ongoing journey, and I encourage you to continue exploring, learning, and implementing these strategies in your classrooms.

If you haven’t already, please download Six Simple Ways to Classroom Well-being and follow me on Facebook or Instagram for more ideas on how to foster a sense of belonging in your classroom. Until next time, let's continue building a future where every child realizes their unlimited potential. Take care, and ka kite!


Nurturing Growth Beyond the Classroom: The Power of Nature Education


Nurturing Positive Emotions: A Blueprint for Classroom Well-Being